Oct 6, 2022Liked by Chandrika Balasubramanian

So, planned to try it. Bought some lovely-looking okra at the farmer's market. A week races by (it's that time of year in English Ed.) A weekend races by. Half of a second week passes, there's not a lot in the vegetable drawer except the now-somewhat-aged okra, and Brian says, "It's time to try the okra morekozhambu." (Well, he didn't quite put it that way, but that was the gist.) Shall I? I say. But the dog needs a walk. "I will make this while you walk the dog," says Brian, and sets to work. A creek dip and a couple of dominance interactions later, I get a phone call: "um, so I made the paste, and I blended the yogurt...and then I took the okra out of the fridge. That was the wrong order." Yes: the okra had gone over, heartbroken from neglect. "I could go to Ingles and try for more okra, "I say, "OR..." "Or?" "Or, there's a nice mild-flavored cauliflower in there that would just beautifully take up any flavor you cook it with." "Hmm." "Yes...hmmm." The result was cauliflower morekozhambu, and while it's a bit of a jugaad, it was still pretty awesome, and will be even more so tomorrow lunchtime over rice in the fourth-floor Coulter lounge. Great recipe! :-)

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Chandrika Balasubramanian

Brings back fond memories of Oman. I lived there for 9 years. Many thought I was my child’s nanny because my son was very fair and because I had dark skin 😂🤣

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