Local globalization--how nice is that? And these posts give me so much more sense of where you came from than I had before, even when you were here, I guess because I didn't know the right questions. :-) <3

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Lovely description and pictures. Brought back fond memories❤

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Lovely! I remember those Chinese food excursions too! And I do remember coming with all of you once or twice to the Continental.

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Dec 31, 2021·edited Dec 31, 2021

Charming trip to days of yore in Bangalore, borne on the wings of Chinese food memories. I remember Continental as the undisputed benchmark for Indianised Chinese food. After it shut down it enjoyed a much more spacious, if alas an all too brief, reincarnation as Blue Heaven on Church Street. It was not exactly a stone's throw away but 5 minute walk from the old place.

Ah! Those lazy, hazy old Bangalore days.

Thank you for bringing a piece of it back.

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Wonderful to finish the year on the note of Hope. Looking forward to lots more culinary treats in the next year.

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When I was little, we didn't go to restaurants very often either. We ate mostly what my Mom prepared at home from the garden and freezers and canned goods that she worked on year round. If we did go to a restaurant, we were there to eat, and not get sugary drinks, which could have added quite a lot to the bill, so we enjoyed our meals accompanied by water. Even today, as I 'push 50', I am still quite nervous when (back before the pandemic and we could actually go to restaurants) ordering a glass of wine or something other than water!

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